I wonder if I put a few words here?

Author: Kiya (Page 4 of 4)

My Free Inquiry (La Mia Inchiesta Libera)

My mother flew to meet my father in Europe for their honeymoon about 26 years ago. He was already there serving with the Canadian army and had a free plane ticket, either back to Canada, or to Europe. They chose the latter. While there, they decided they would return in 25 years for their anniversary. Although we are late, my parents bought my family five plane tickets to Italy for this coming June. It will be the first time travelling to Europe, for myself and my siblings, where we will be travelling Italy for 3 weeks. This will be a unique experience for my family as we are all grown up (my younger sister will be 17) and soon may have responsibilities, jobs, or significant others that would affect such a trip. We rarely have the opportunity to travel together, let alone for three weeks, but the opportunity has come and we are taking it this year.

Although I am no expert in any language other than English (I would say I am almost fluent in French), I love to learn languages. I see them as windows into other cultures, and I love to experience how other cultures express their feelings orally, through literature, and through music. I have thought about learning Italian before, but I have never acted on the thought, so when my family decided to take this trip, I decided that there would be no better time to learn this beautiful language.

I studied a bit one day in October, writing down vocabulary from YouTube videos, but between school and work, learning Italian for a trip 8 months away dropped to the bottom of my priority list. The week after the semester ended, though, I downloaded a free version of Duolingo and set myself a daily goal that lasted a week. I am proud to say that I have not missed my daily practice since, and have continued to renew the challenge each week (in fact, Christmas Day was the day I studied the most by far). I did not want to lose my momentum entering in to the new semester, so I was glad when this free inquiry project was assigned. During the coming semester I will continue to improve my Italian so that I can translate for my family while we are travelling Italy. I hope you enjoy following my journey of learning Italian! 

Until next time,


The Making of This Blog…

was not a difficult process, but I’m already learning by making mistakes. As with most other skills, one must read instructions before getting creative and I’m afraid I overestimated my abilities… Not the greatest start to my blogging career. Once I have the hang of this, I’m sure I will enjoy writing blog posts.

Blogging is a way to document someone’s progress and thought process through an experience. This insight can help others going through similar situations, or learning new tasks. Sometimes, blogging is made, read, or watched simply for the purpose of amusement. Blogging does not take place only in a traditional blog context, it happens on popular social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Students may not realize it, but they are exposed to a great deal of information distributed via blogging. Because of its great prevalence, blogging influences millions, providing education (quality or not) to the masses. It has the power to spread valuable knowledge, or cause confusion, so in my opinion, it is vital to teach young people to use media wisely.

In this age of technology, the use of blogging as pedagogy will allow students to practice something they are already been exposed to in a constructive and meaningful way. While it might not be on a traditional blog, students will continue to create and consume blogged content, and it is important to teach them to discern between false news and facts. Using blogging as an educational method can help students to explore their interests, be constructive with criticism, and practice kindness among other skills, and I think it is an important practice to support in elementary classrooms. 

I look forward to learning about blogging in my own life, so that I can eventually use it as pedagogy in my classrooms.

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